Once upon a time, animal milk was really the only kind of milk you could buy. Now, not so much. Walk into nearly any supermarket and you’ll find a panoply of dairy-free alternatives. Options aplenty for the vegan, lactose-intolerant, and nut-milk curious among us. But when you’re staring at a wall of nearly identical boxes, how do you choose? Allow us to help.
SELF asked registered dietitians to weigh the pros and cons of six of the most common dairy-free milk alternatives. All of them have different tastes, textures, and nutritional benefits that make them uniquely fitted for different purposes. Here’s what you need to know to make the right choice.
You can’t really go wrong with any of the options, but when picking a dairy-free milk, there are some nutritional considerations you should keep in mind, no matter which carton ends up in your cart.
No dairy-free milks are flat out bad for you, but since they do away with the dairy, out, too, go many of the nutrients you get from it. Patricia Bannan, M.S., R.D.N., author of Eat Right When Time is Tight, tells SELF you should always look at the label to make sure the one you’re opting for is fortified with calcium and vitamin D (both of which are key beneficial nutrients of animal milk). You’re also missing out on the protein content—and very few alternative milks make up for that in any significant way. In addition to that, Amy Gorin, M.S., R.D.N., owner of Amy Gorin Nutrition in Jersey City, NJ, suggests opting for the unsweetened varieties whenever possible. Many milk alternatives are flavored or sweetened with added sugar. With that in your back pocket, let’s get to those milks.
1. Rice milk
“This is a great option for people with nut allergies who may not be able to drink other alternative milks,” Gorin tells SELF. Other than that pro, there aren’t many reasons to choose rice milk over others. “It’s a little higher in calories than some of the others, with about 70 calories per cup,” she explains. And, Bannan notes, like others of its ilk, it’s extremely low in protein, containing about a gram per cup, compared to 8 grams in a cup of cow's milk.
2. Almond milkThough it wasn’t available at Starbucks until recently, almond milk is probably one of the most popular options of the bunch. According to Gorin, one plus is that it’s super low in calories—just 30 calories a cup—and it has no saturated fat. Plus, she adds that most almond milk brands are fortified with 50 percent of the daily value of vitamin B12. It’s also pretty easy to DIY, she says, though you miss out on that fortified nutrition. “You can make it yourself by soaking almonds, rinsing them, blending them with water, and straining the almonds through a cheesecloth.”
One con? Bannan tells SELF that, despite the fact that almonds are a good source of protein, almond milk is extremely low in this essential nutrient—it has just 1 gram per 1-cup serving. The takeaway? This is a great low-cal option, but not the best if you’re interested in ramping up your protein intake.
3. Hemp milk
Bannan tells SELF that hemp milk packs more nutrients than many others. It’s got more protein (though still not much: only 2 grams per cup), and a host of other good stuff. “It’s a good source of vitamin A, magnesium, calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus, vitamin B12, and riboflavin,” she explains. “It also offers both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.”
This is one milk, however, that is admittedly hard to find. You’re likely to see it at Whole Foods, but will have less luck at your local supermarket.
4. Soy milk
Calorically similar to cow’s milk—meaning it has about 80 to 130 calories per one cup serving—soy milk is a fantastic, nutritionally dense, dairy-free option. Gorin tells SELF that it has about 7 grams of protein per cup and 2 grams of fiber. Plus, she says it’s an excellent source of potassium, providing 10 percent of the daily value per serving.
5. Cashew milk
The biggest pro with cashew milk is its flavor. “It tastes great with a buttery, nutty flavor,” Gorin tells SELF. For this reason, it’s a favorite among the vegan community, who’ll use it to give recipes like vegan mac and cheese a more dairy-like taste and texture.
But, like almond milk, it’s pretty low in protein, containing just 1 gram per cup.
6. Coconut milk
Not nearly as popular as its mainstream cousins coconut oil and coconut water, coconut milk has kind of been left by the wayside. And that’s because it doesn’t have that many health benefits. According to Gorin, the boxed version (the type you would drink) has virtually no protein, while the canned version (the kind used for cooking) only has about 1 gram. For that reason alone, she says, coconut milk is one that’s better to use for cooking purposes.
Bannan also points out that it’s high in saturated fats, which is why she suggests opting for the “light” versions if you do decide to buy and use coconut milk.