Fitness guru Emily Skyes shares how she starts her morning every single day.Emily Skye, 31, may be based in Australia, but the personal trainer's impact can be felt around the world. She has nearly 10 million fans on Facebook and almost 2 million on Instagram. So what sets her apart from the rest of the fitness gurus out there? She doesn't preach about "bikini bodies" or urge you to drop weight. Her message is about getting fit, healthy and confident, which she helps people do with her F.I.T. workouts. Here, she talks about how she starts her day for our ongoing Morning Routine series.
When do you wake up?
I used to be a night owl because most of my clients and followers are based in the U.S. or United Kingdom, but I've changed my ways and started going to bed earlier. Now I typically wake up at 8 a.m.
Do you use an alarm?
No, I wake up naturally, or my boyfriend wakes me up.
Snooze or no snooze?
I only set an alarm if I have to be somewhere, and then yes, I'd probably hit snooze.
What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
I make my herbal tea (with lemon, ginger, coconut oil and essential oils), and drink it while I get the coffee brewing. The tea helps my digestive system work effectively. Then, my boyfriend and I grab our coffees and go for a 30- to 40-minute walk along the beach. We don't touch our phones, I take my shoes off and we try to start the day on a positive note, outside in the fresh air and sunlight. It gives us time to connect with one another without the interruptions from our phones.
While walking, I also try to focus on my diaphragmatic breathing and my posture.
What do you eat for breakfast?
Once we get back from the walk, I'll make a smoothie. I'll mix up vegan protein powder, unsweetened pure coconut water, blueberries (fresh or frozen) and strawberries (fresh or frozen). Sometimes I'll add cinnamon, too.
What would be your guilty pleasure breakfast?
I'm not really a breakfast person. I don't really like cereals or toast, and because of my food sensitivities I can't eat eggs. Sometimes I might have a salad with fish for breakfast!
When do you work out?
My schedule is different every day, but I usually work out a couple of hours after I have my smoothie to give it time to digest.
I typically work out for about an hour, though leg day is the longest workout! Most of the workouts on my site are more geared towards beginners. I try to lift as heavy as I can! But I do switch up my workouts. For me, a workout might look like outdoor sprints and then exercises while lifting a weighted bar.
Your body wants to adapt, so you have to change it up to avoid hitting plateaus.
Any morning shortcuts you swear by?
Having my boyfriend make me coffee!
What is your morning beauty routine?
I work from home, so I don't really put makeup on. When I'm shooting videos for my site, I'm usually makeup-free, though if I'm promoting a product on my site I will do makeup. I can do my makeup in five minutes, but I don't like to!
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