There's one big weight loss rule he wants you to give up immediately.
Ever since Robert Irvine made his Food Network debut on Dinner: Impossible, people have been hounding him about one thing in particular. It's the classic chef question stars like Bobby Flay and Giada de Laurentiis say they're asked nonstop too-"how can you be surrounded by food all day without gaining weight?"-and at this point, they all have a quick answer at the ready.
But Irvine's turned the question into a key facet of his career. He's always been passionate about health and fitness, even penning a regular column in Muscle & Fitness for years and releasing a diet and exercise book, Fit Fuel, in 2015. Now, with the launch of his daytime talk show, The Robert Irvine Show, he's tackling it directly, helping guests work through a variety of problems, including the battle to lose weight.
One 432-pound man, for example, met with Irvine during a show taping a month ago, and is now on track to lose almost half his body weight by the end of January, Irvine says.
Here's what he's found makes the biggest difference, whether your goal is to drop pounds, feel healthier than ever before-or some combination of the two.
1. Ditch the D-Word Forever.
"I don't believe in diets. Never have, never will," Irvine says. "I believe that if we eat in moderation, and we eat different types of food at different parts of the day, our diet and our weight will be controlled. Smaller meals, more frequently-that's the way we train our military, that's the way we train our athletes."
Irvine works with people to create 'revised eating plans,' which may seem like a tomato, tom-ah-to issue, except for one sticking point: No food-or food group-is eliminated entirely.
"I don't believe in taking things away from people, because then they get frustrated and don't want to continue," he says.
2. Get Your Portions in Check.
"Portion control is one of our biggest problems," Irvine says. "I'm a big guy, but I don't eat as much as my wife, who's a professional athlete." He prefers to load up on fresh vegetables, and confines meat portions to the size of a deck of cards, and carbs to the size of a computer mouse. "I'm dating myself with that reference, but that's the size to look for," he laughs.
3. Eat. All. Day.
Irvine recommends eating every 2 1/2 to 3 hours. "That's what made the biggest change in my diet: eating more, but smaller portions," he says, cautioning that when you first start eating this way, it'll seem like too much food-then your metabolism will adjust and you'll start craving a small meal every few hours. (The key, though, is making sure your meals aren't candy bars or whatever's in the closest vending machine.)
4. Ditch this Classic Food Rule.
Some celebs may swear by not eating food after a certain time. Irvine doesn't buy it. "A lot of people say 'don't eat before you go to bed,' but what happens to your body then is it goes into a fasting period," he explains. "If you eat at 6 o'clock, then you don't get up until 6 or 7 the next morning, your body has held onto the fat-that meal you had the night before-so you'll gain weight."
If Irvine's hungry, he'll have some almonds, cottage cheese or half a tuna sandwich before bed. "It keeps your metabolism speeding," he says.
5. Make a 20-Minute Commitment.
Irvine works out six days a week, typically doing 30 minutes of cardio before targeting a specific muscle group, but he insists you don't have to make that much of a commitment. "It only takes 20 minutes a day to exercise," he says. "You could just walk up and down the stairs. As long as your heart rate is raised during that time, you'll burn fat."
If you want to start small, he also suggests wading through water, be it doing walking laps in a pool or at the beach. "The resistance helps," Irvine says.
6. Go Easy on Yourself.
When Irvine talks to people about eating healthy, one obstacle comes up time and time again: They don't have time to prep out balanced meals. It inspired him to create a line of Sidekicks sides-chopped, pre-cut vegetable mixes that come with pre-portioned seasonings and oil, so all you have to do is dump them in a pan, according to the directions, and cook. Consider it sauté by numbers.
"It's silly proof. You literally cannot mess it up," Irvine says. "We tried to focus on ways to use the most nutritious parts of the vegetable, too."
In the garlic balsamic broccoli pack, for example, the broccoli is chopped into spears, not just florets. "We peeled the stems, so you can still enjoy them, because that's where all the fiber is," Irvine explains.
Beyond the convenience factor, Irvine recommends looking at any other excuses you typically use that keep you from getting-or staying-in shape. For the 432-pound man, there were two big changes: First, moving closer to the gym, so it'd be easier for him to work out. (An extreme example, to be sure.) Second, cutting back on sugar. "He was drinking like 2 ½ pounds of sugar a day," Irvine says. "He still wanted the fizz, so we gave him soda water instead." Follow Delish on Instagram.
source : Delish (
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